How Facebooking Can Make You More Social

Contrary to the belief of some, social networking is not limited to the shy, or those that lack confidence. It is believed that people who have a difficult time talking with or interacting with people in social situations like parties or dinners feel more comfortable connecting with people at the comfort of their desktops. In […]

The Myth of #1 Ranking

Anyone who has a publicly listed website has probably received some form of contact (email, phone call, etc.) from an SEO firm. While all of these groups are different, a large number of them fit a similar description: they are liars. Luckily, there’s a fairly easy way to spot these lying SEO groups. The most […]

Top Reasons Every College Student Should Be on Twitter

It seems social media has taken over what casual conversation, phone calls and letters used to do—keeping people in the loop with what’s going on in each other’s lives. Nearly everyone has a Facebook page, MySpace account, or Twitter account. Technologically savvy college students use various social media every day to make new friends and […]