Bringing Products to Life with Clever Ads

Marketing and advertising are interesting avenues when it comes to products that may initially be considered “bland” or “not exciting”. Creative professionals have such an uncanny and amazing ability to bring these “ordinary” products to life through commercials, motion graphics, visual effects, and more.

I know you’re probably expecting (and hoping) to see hilarious commercials for beer and other products that have proved to be pretty risque. I hate to put a damper on things, but I’ve decided to choose something pretty nonchalant, and show you how clever and well thought out marketing can make all the difference in breathing life into a product.

Vacuums! Here we go-

This YouTube video for Bissell vacuums shows what your vacuum’s personality would be like if it were just a little more human. From the snooty heiress who refuses to pick up dog hair to the heavy and powerful high school coach who keeps screaming “put your back into it,” this Bissell commercial humorously personifies the different drawbacks of other vacuums. The ad begins by asking “Is your vacuum a good match for you?,” then it goes into the advantages of Bissell’s own vacuums, stating that Bissell vacuums are your “perfect match.”

This ad, from good ol’ 1984, reminds you that you have modern appliances all over your house, and that there is no excuse to have an ancient vacuum cleaner that you have to lug around. It then goes on to highlight the advantages of the 1984 Eureka vacuum–the “vacuum cleaner for today, not yesterday.” Eureka has been playing the advertising game for a long time.

Miele produced this humorous commercial about a man vacuuming with a leashed dog nearby. A woman enters the room and removes the dog, leaving the leash behind. The man then accidentally sucks up the leash while looking the other direction. He turns back and assumes that he has accidentally vacuumed up the dog. He bends down and makes whistling noises at the vacuum, trying to get the attention of the dog that he assumes is inside. The brand name and a picture of the vacuum then comes up with the catch phrase “sucking good.”

This Hong Kong commercial for the Electrolux vacuum features a news story about a man who is about to jump off a building, ending his own life. When community efforts and firemen fail to convince him to change his mind, an old woman with a vacuum saves him from plummeting to his death by catching him with the vacuum cleaner’s immense sucking power. It then concludes: “Electrolux – it really sucks.”

As you can see, clever advertising can really make a product interesting. It’s something to consider when you’re working on a campaign for something that you find bland… you can really have a lot of fun with it and get a little crazy. Your viewers will thank you for it.

What are some of your favorite ads?

Balloon Advertising Increases Business

Balloon Advertising, Will Increase Business

Are you stressed and worried about your business and the economy? Sit back for a moment a take a deep breath, think of driving down the street and seeing a huge balloon in front of a business. It takes you back to being a kid and puts a smile on your face. You forget eveything but the thought in your head “WOW look at that” Oh by te way you never even noticed that business was there before and you think maybe they are haveing a sale or give away. “I think I’ll stop” you say to your self. Even if you don’t stop that day you remember the business.

Balloon Advertising Works

Balloon Advertising Works

Why not do the same for your business? High quality constructed balloons to get yourself noticed over and over again. Get people into your business and have them smiling as they walk through your door. Our balloons are made of high gade polyurethane material in the USA. Polyurethane in stronger, safer and economiclly advataged by giveing you a higher quality product; while extending the life of your helium.

Helium advertising balloon

Helium advertising balloon

We are an established company that has been is business since 1976. We know how to make the perfect advertising ballon or advertising blimp to suite your individual taste and needs. If you are not sure what you want we have plenty ideas already for you. If you are not yet convinced to buy your balloons the simply call us and rent an entire event. Stop worrying about business, put a smile on their face and yours and order your balloons now.

Advertising blimps increase sales.

Advertising blimps increase sales.

Email us at for more information on balloon advertising.

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Balloon Advertising Increases Business is a post from: Advertising Balloons

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